Guide/Communicator Service
Deafblind Scotland’s Guide/Communicator service is available across Scotland and is tailored to meet the needs of each individual. This service changes lives by enabling people with dual sensory loss/deafblindness to stay engaged in their communities. Our service:
Ensures equal access
Promotes independence
Provides stimulation
Encourages community integration
Improves health and wellbeing
Increases independent living skills
Offers opportunities to learn alternative communication skills
At Deafblind Scotland, we are committed to lifelong support for our members, adjusting support as their hearing and vision needs change.
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Our Guide/Communicators
"This service has given me the confidence to get out and enjoy life. Without their help I would be basically housebound."
Our Guide Communicators are a lifeline for many of our members. They are highly skilled professionals, that relay information, facilitate communication with others and ensure safe mobility for deafblind people. They are neutral, alert and give information without bias or advice.
Guide/Communicators ensure deafblind individuals receive full information that is accessible in their preferred communication method, enabling them to make informed decisions. They are professional communicators and, if necessary, they can introduce a range of communication methods for the individual which may include British Sign Language (BSL), Sign Supported English (SSE), Deafblind Manual, hands-on signing, lipreading, clear speech, note taking and other means of receptive and expressive communication as required to meet their needs and requirements.
A guide/communicator also supports those with dual sensory loss to navigate environments outside the home, including travelling, attending events and participating in the community. They give information about what is happening around the person and support them to get to the places they want to go.
We are always looking for people to join our Guide/ Communicator team. The role of is incredibly rewarding, and flexible to suit your lifestyle. You will also have the possibility to expand your own skillset by learning tactile communication methods including Deafblind Manual. If you are interested find out more details via our Vacancies page here.
Training and Development
Our Guide/Communicators receive Signature accredited training, including Level 2 Award in Communicating with Deafblind People and British Sign Language Level 1 and 2 qualifications. They participate in ongoing professional development and attend quarterly in-service training sessions to enhance their skills.
All guide/communicators adhere to the Scottish Social Services Council’s Code of Practice for Social Care Workers. SSSC Codes of Practice - Scottish Social Services Council
Booking a Guide/Communicator
To book a Guide/Communicator, please provide the date, time and purpose of the visit (e.g., GP appointment, shopping trip) and preferred communication method. Providing detailed information helps us plan and deliver the best support for individual needs. Ideally, please give 14 days’ notice.
Telephone: 0141 777 7774
Telephone/Text/Video call: 07715 421 377
Fax: 0141 777 5827
Feedback and Complaints
What our service users say about us:
"I feel able to communicate with others."
"My life is worth living."
"I am really confident and I can look forward to the future."
"I am more independent and valued as a person."
"They care about me."
"I am happy with the guides service and feel they give me more independence and freedom."
Please take a few minutes to comment on our service, email us at with your feedback.
How to make a complaint:
Please report any issues regarding our service to Deafblind Scotland. Minor complaints can be discussed with a staff member and resolved promptly.
Formal complaints can be made in writing, by phone, text, fax, email, in person or by a representative. We can support anyone to make a complaint if required. We keep a record of all complaints.
Formal complaints are acknowledged within 7 days and a written response sent within 20 working days. Here is our Complaints Policy.
Complaints can also be reported to the Local Authority funding the service or the Care Inspectorate:
Telephone: 0345 600 9527
Additional Resources