Donate today

It's easy to support our work with a one-off donation or by giving regularly and setting up a standing order.
Your donation, however big or small, will help deafblind people all across Scotland.
As an organisation, we are committed to achieving our vision of a world where deafblind people have the support and recognition necessary to be fully equal citizens.
If you want to help us achieve our vision, and support our work, please see the donation options below.
One-off donation
One of the easiest ways to give to charity and its tax-free! Donating through your company couldn’t be easier. At your request, your employer takes charitable donations straight from your pay. As the donation is made before tax deduction it will cost you less to give more.
Payroll Giving
Email for more information.
Regular donation

Money donated on a regular basis is invaluable, helping us to plan ahead with confidence.
Giving by standing order with your bank is an easy, effortless and safe way to donate, all year round.
Contact to find out how.